
Hardwood Miniature Painting Handles

Created by Jolly Lark

Comfortable, affordable, sturdy, and sustainable. A new, hardwood painting handle system lets you get a grip on your painting projects.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Final Reminder: Final 24 Hours for the Jolly Lark Painting Handle Pledge Manager!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Nov 10, 2022 at 03:26:08 PM

Pledge Manger - Last Chance for Late Pledges

The pledge manager is closing this week! This is your last chance to complete the pledge manager or upgrade your pledge. All backers who haven't completed the pledge manager should have gotten an email earlier this week (and again today) with your link. Even if you don't want to change your pledge, you still need to complete the pledge manager to confirm your address and pay applicable state sales taxes.

After the pledge manager closes, we're going to continue to take pre-orders, but those pre-orders won't include the free Kickstarter stretch goals.

If you're an early bird backer who has gotten your handles and want to order more, this is also your last chance to put in an additional late pledge that includes all the Kickstarter stretch goals.

Finally, here are a couple photos of handles in the wild, doing very different work: supporting some big honkin' trash trucks and some very small sub-assembly bits.

Painting handles being used to prime scenery and hold small parts
Handles in Use!

Thanks to Knut for sharing his photo! He drilled some 2mm holes in the tops of the handles and used small wooden dowels to make sub-assembly holders. We're excited to hear from people about how their using their handles. You can also tag work on instagram with #jollylark 

Reminder: Jolly Lark Painting Handle Pledge Manger Closes Next Week
over 1 year ago – Fri, Nov 04, 2022 at 10:43:31 PM

Pledge Manager Closing

The pledge manager is going to close on November 9th. This is the last day to finalize your order, upgrade your pledge level, and choose any add-ons you'd like. This will also be the last day that early bird backers can re-order Kickstarter pledges and receive free shipping on their re-order. 

After November 9th, we'll still be taking pre-orders but they will no longer include Kickstarter stretch goals (such as free handles and accessories).

If you have any questions or issues using the pledge manager, please let me know. Thanks!

Pieces of Miniatures Scenery Attached to Jolly Lark Wooden Painting Handles
Painting handles work great for Scenery too!

Early Bird Shipping & Pledge Manager Closing
over 1 year ago – Fri, Oct 14, 2022 at 10:03:48 PM

Early Bird Shipping 

Most of the early bird pledges have now shipped! If you’re an early bird backer and completed your pledge manager last week, you should have received a shipping notification. Early bird pledges completed this week will ship out early next week.

Stacks of boxes, waiting by the door, ready to ship
Early Bird Pledges Ready to Ship!

If you want to re-order more handles after you receive your package, visit the pre-order store. Make sure to let us know when filling out the questions that this is a re-order. This will flag your order for free shipping on your re–order, so we can remove the shipping fee before your card is charged. Re-orders will ship with the second wave of handles.

Box of Loose Painting Handles
Packing Continues!

If you’re an early bird backer who hasn’t completed your pledge manager yet, now’s the time! We’ve got enough handles to fill all the early bird pledges and want to make sure you get yours!

Pledge Manager Closing

The pledge manager is going to close on November 9th. That will be the last day to finalize your order, upgrade your pledge level, and choose add-ons. That will also be the last day that early bird backers can re-order Kickstarter pledges. After November 9th, pre-orders will no longer include Kickstarter stretch goals (such as free handles and accessories).

All backers must complete their pledge manager to receive their handles. Even if you don't want to add anything or change your address, you'll still need to complete the pledge manager.

The Jolly Lark Painting Handles Pledge Manager is Live!
over 1 year ago – Fri, Sep 30, 2022 at 09:30:09 PM

The pledge manager for your Jolly Lark painting handles is now live and ready to complete. You should have already gotten (or will be getting very soon) an email with a link to your pledge manager. Please complete your pledge manager as soon as possible, so we can finalize quantities and get everyone their handles as soon as possible.

If you are an Early Bird backer and think you might want to order more handles before the pledge manager closes, please complete the pledge manager promptly. The sooner you complete it, the sooner we can ship your order!

When you begin, you’ll see your pledge, including the shipping amount you paid on Kickstarter.

You’ll choose your correct country and state, which will then add any additional itmes you'd like and calculate the appropriate state sales tax.

After answering a couple questions, you’ll then have the option to choose any additional add-ons you’d like:

As you can see above, any Add-Ons chosen will add to your total. Once you’ve selected all your Add-Ons, you’ll complete your shipping information and pay for any remaining balance. If you live in a US state without sales tax and don’t choose any Add-Ons, you won’t have any balance.

After confirming your address, you’ll move on to payment information and complete your order. That’s it!  Hopefully the process is quick and easy, but if you have any issues don’t hesitate to send a message on Kickstarter or to [email protected]

Thanks again for your support!

Post-Campaign Update with STL Download
over 1 year ago – Sat, Sep 24, 2022 at 04:17:45 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.